Senior SeeCure – “Aye Aye Sir”

Senior SeeCure – “Aye Aye Sir”

“Aye Aye Sir” – a common response to the ears when one watches US Marines in action in Hollywood movies.

It essentially conveys a Juniors response to an order from a Senior confirming acceptance of a command and agreeing to complete the allotted duty/ task. So that’s when the word “Senior” rang the bell, more from an organisational hierarchy perspective. Yesterday, I asked my colleague when did you first hear the word ‘Senior’, she immediately responded “Senior KG”.

Of course , I remarked ! That was spontaneous.

Yes, rightly so, at that time she, as a toddler must not have known what ‘Senior’ as a prefix meant. I recollected, during my early days (I am nearing pre-dawn 60 yrs.) we commenced formal education with KG (and were not shunted out of home to pre(play) schools).

Early 1990s, can’t remember the exact year, Union Budget, mentioned benefits (tax rebates) to Senior Citizens (those completing 65 years of age). Successive Budgets have continued the same spirit of making modest attempts to help Senior citizens.

I vividly remember during 1st year of my CA articleship, Seniors made us total the ledger accounts with help of Facit calculators, count physical cash and tally the same with cash book and such other mundane things. What a grill we underwent from Seniors. However, we were much better placed when compared to few of my friends who pursued the science stream and were staying in hostels.

Now post 55 years a new concern is gradually glooming in my mind .. I will shortly move (migrate) to the Senior Citizens category.
Oh Jesus!!

It’s like the surrounding has already started creating a buzz. Few  morning walkers at the Nana Nani park; milkman, dhobi, newspaper delivery boy & the kirana shop keeper have already started addressing me as “Uncle”. While the portrait of Uncle relates to a semi or fully bald person, probably with walking stick, a feeble body frame and walking slowly on the path, I am nowhere close.I dawn a track suit, walk briskly and drive to work. Being nowhere close yet …, that’s hurting and sometimes embarrassing when being referred to as Uncle

At this juncture, I took a pause and walked through memory lane, dipping into nostalgia, I recollect post end of secondary education, how I was in a hurry to complete college to pursue education and commence a career. Then the aspiration of right job fitment, challenging work profile with matching compensation has been driving the work aspects. While the social balance was planned to embrace the institution of marriage and …

All such milestones get set, achieved with each one of us; some with more intensity and detailing with time cruising unabated from dawn to dusk.

Indulgence in work and daily routine keeps oneself busy till one come across situations whereby parents or close family face serious medical ailments and one gets involved in some manner to provide help, service, assistance like attending hospital duties taking care of family / kids which may sometimes extend to temporarily financing ailments. When one attends funerals, participates in prayer meeting, momentarily one comes close to discussing death.

While, one stands in front of the mirror viewing oneself, thinking what’s like being old? The mind is unable to accept the possibility of seeking anybody’s support. This thus makes one start planning and preparing for the inevitable.

One such time I happened to visualise myself as a nestling bird attempting to fortify the nests to face harsh weather as shown on National Geography channel.

I said to myself buckle up and get ready for the future. That’s what I call readiness for the future.

Next readiness to plan before attaining Senior Citizen Status.

Tom Wilson rightly said –Wisdom doesn’t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.

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